Two Days That Don’t Matter


There are two days in every week that one should never worry about; yesterday and tomorrow.calendar_0

Yesterday no longer matters because it is dead and gone. No matter how much one would like to go back and change yesterday, it is forever beyond one’s control.

Tomorrow, with its uncertainties, promise or possible adversities is nothing more than a blank slate. Indeed, tomorrow is not promised to anybody, it is only a possibility.

The only day that matters is today. The awesome thing about today is that it is here, now, and one can actively do something about it. One can start a diet today, which if followed faithfully, will result in a much better tomorrow. However, that tomorrow will never come except for good decisions made during a continuing series of present moments. In order for any plan to work, one must keep in mind that the decisions made in the present will make themselves known only in the future. Each present moment, each decision, brings with it the possibility of bringing us towards the future that we envision or one which we will regret.

I have run 3 marathons in my life. Each one took 6 months training to complete. 5 times a week, I had to make the daily decision to run either 4 miles or 6 miles or 8 miles that day. Once a week, I had to decide to run more than 12 miles on my “long” day. The daily decisions overĀ  months allowed me to run 26.2 miles and complete one of the best experiences of my life. The funny thing is, I remember more about the daily training than I do about the race.

What are positive steps are you going to take today to make your tomorrow a better day than yesterday? What vision of the future are you going to start creating today? What decisions can you make now? Good Luck!

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